30 Tonne Slitter

30-tonne slitter securely packed, vacuum-sealed, and shrink-wrapped on a flat-rack for international shipping.

This 30 Tonne Slitter was packed, secured on a flat-rack and shipped out by us.

After preserving all delicate and moving parts, the item was bolted to a substantial base which incorporates steel lifting points. The machine was then vacuum packed, complete with silica gel, in a foil bag and shrink wrapped for extra protection.

A humidity indicator was sealed within the bag and then sealed again to the outside of the shrink wrap. The indicator was visible through a Perspex window from the outside of the case.

The case was then secured to a 40ft flat rack by our own team and shipped to China.

The 30 Tonne Slitter is one of our regular big jobs which generally takes between 2-3 days to fully pack. It’s a challenging job but our dedicated team of professional packers always gets the job done on time, every time.



  • Design
  • Manufacturing
  • Packing & Securing
  • Shipping


Leading Manufacturer Of Slitter Rewinders, UK

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